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Staying Connected with Volunteers

  • Wednesday, April 01, 2020 12:29
    Reply # 8872272 on 8842075
    Deleted user
    Aubrey Barnard wrote:

    How are you staying connected with your volunteers during the Covid-19 pause in their service?  

    Here are a few ideas we will be implementing:

    • Calls to volunteers on their scheduled service day to let them know they are missed.  Follow up calls with a handwritten card.
    • Social Distancing Care Packages - we will be sending packages out to each volunteer containing items to help get through this time:  playing cards, tissues, coloring sheets, color pencils, puzzle books, blank note cards, pens and a couple of stamps.  
    • We are ramping up newsletters to go out at least weekly.  We're adding activities to the newsletters.  I used an education website to make word search puzzles related to volunteering. (I've attached an example)  We'll ask a question of the week to get responses from volunteers and compile a top 10 list the following week.  Sample questions are:  favorite stay at home snack,  two items your must have during isolation, favorite TV show to binge watch during isolation.
    Please share any ideas you have for how you are staying in touch with volunteers to be sure they are okay during this time of social distancing and to keep them connected so they will want to return.


    Aubrey - -

    I designed a postcard (attached) that I will be printing and sending to our volunteers to arrive around the beginning of Nat. Volunteer Week - -  I like the care package idea you're doing.

    Robin Bland - Vidant Roanoke-Chowan Hospital 

    2 files
  • Tuesday, March 31, 2020 10:30
    Reply # 8869765 on 8842075

    Thanks so much Aubrey!  You have some really great ideas.  


  • Thursday, March 19, 2020 10:36
    Message # 8842075

    How are you staying connected with your volunteers during the Covid-19 pause in their service?  

    Here are a few ideas we will be implementing:

    • Calls to volunteers on their scheduled service day to let them know they are missed.  Follow up calls with a handwritten card.
    • Social Distancing Care Packages - we will be sending packages out to each volunteer containing items to help get through this time:  playing cards, tissues, coloring sheets, color pencils, puzzle books, blank note cards, pens and a couple of stamps.  
    • We are ramping up newsletters to go out at least weekly.  We're adding activities to the newsletters.  I used an education website to make word search puzzles related to volunteering. (I've attached an example)  We'll ask a question of the week to get responses from volunteers and compile a top 10 list the following week.  Sample questions are:  favorite stay at home snack,  two items your must have during isolation, favorite TV show to binge watch during isolation.
    Please share any ideas you have for how you are staying in touch with volunteers to be sure they are okay during this time of social distancing and to keep them connected so they will want to return.

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