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Can we onboard a volunteer without SSN

  • Tuesday, October 22, 2019 08:55
    Reply # 8071416 on 7883371
    Deleted user

    My suggestion is to go with your hospital policy. We do not accept volunteers who cannot produce a SS# as this is what our HR does for employment.  

  • Monday, October 21, 2019 08:43
    Reply # 8069354 on 7883371
    Jackie Kennedy (Administrator)

    We can onboard without a social if the have a itin number.  The itin number allows them to work or volunteer. 

  • Monday, September 16, 2019 16:48
    Reply # 7883852 on 7883371
    Deleted user

    That is a great question and have not experienced that, however I must have the volunteer's SSN for the background check only, otherwise, I am not sure I would need the SSN.

  • Monday, September 16, 2019 13:39
    Message # 7883371

    I have a Doctor who's mom is here from Venezuela and has applied for permanent residency here.  She to is a Doctor and has all of her immigration information.  Can we legally on board her without a background check if she has all other legal documents such as drivers license, birth certificate etc.   Please advise. 

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